Wednesday, September 28, 2016

In Which Things Progress

Today at breakfast I mentioned that my new "Moving to Maine" book showed up and that I really wanted to take it to work but that I would be really busy (and if I was going to read anything at work it should be Dante's Inferno for my Medieval/Renaissance Humanities class) and for some reason, Trevor laser-focused on the phrase "moving to Maine." He asked, "Wait. So we're moving to Maine?!" about seventeen times. I gave Ralph a "baroo?" dog-head-tilt look and asked if we had somehow not actually told our kids about this yet. Ralph says, "Where has he been the past two weeks?" But really, I don't think we've formally told them about The Plan. We might need to have a family meeting tonight.

The takeaway from that is that my new book arrived!! And it has a lovely picture of Camden Harbor on the front, which is the place we usually visit and that inspired my love affair with the state. There's a little mountain called Mount Battie right above the town and when you're on top of it, you look down into the most perfect postcard picture of the harbor. It is breathtaking:


What you can't see there is that the town is also built over a flipping waterfall. It runs under the businesses on Main St. and then out into the harbor. It is magical. Someday I'm going to make live videos of me walking around town so you can all see it. Don't even get me started on the library.

The Plan is marching along nicely, I've pretty much completed clearing out my clothes, except I'll be adding more progressively, as I find things I don't want anymore. Just because I'm a glutton for punishment I might go ahead and do stuffed animals. I may need some moral support if anyone wants to come assist me with discarding the memories of my children and the people who love them. {SOBS}

The spending freeze is fucking difficult. There are too many cute t-shirts and Halloween decorations and fall activities. Froberg's corn maze opened this week along with their new bakery. Soon there are going to be pumpkin patches everywhere. I'm considering not doing my annual pumpkin baking day. Maybe instead we'll just have a mini-movie fest or scale it back a little bit. I've been trying to think up a reason to show my kids "Monster Sqad" and this might be it.  Every time I get a little sad about not being able to buy things I just try to remind myself of a life that doesn't require air condition. Bliss.

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