Friday, September 23, 2016

In Which It Will All Be Okay

My next door neighbors came back to town yesterday. This is significant for a couple of reasons. Firstly, they are awesome and we never really got to know them until we discovered that they were spontaneously moving to Tennessee to buy their dream house. They are grandparents, and their daughter was moving far away for her husband's job, so my neighbors decided to pull the trigger on a huge move that they had been wanting to do for years. Pardon me while I hit you on the nose with the second bit of significance.

I was really glad to see them, even if they'll only be here for a few days to clear out and pack up some last bits of their stuff, and we talked for a few minutes about how it's going living the dream. One thing they said multiple times was "We just wish we had done this ten years ago. Now that we've done it, we wondered why we waited so long. We should have done it when we were younger." They aren't old, they're maybe mid-to-late-50's? They have motorcycles. The point is, it was another thing that makes me feel like this might be a good decision. They talked about how awesome it would have been for their kids to get to experience it as children, and how it was scary and difficult even at their age, but that they haven't regretted it for a second, and so many things that I've thought to myself.

Last night after yoga, basketball and karate, I came home and made dinner, Raf went off to watch the Texans lose their ass to New England (BOOM!) and I set about working on my drawers. I nearly filled yet another huge, black trash bag with t-shirts, shorts, tank tops, and scarves. I also trashed untold amounts of underwear that for whatever reason I had been hanging on to for over a decade. What is it with people not throwing away old underwear? Ralph has some that literally fall off of him and he refuses to throw them away. So, some minute progress was made. I was pretty proud of myself for all of my activity and still getting it done. I often feel like Titus Andromedon from The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt in that I've already DONE something today.

The second season of Fargo is shaping up to be even better than the first. It takes place in the 70's which I LOVE and the cast is stunning, on par or surpassing the first season. Kieran Culkin is a damned treasure, and Patrick Wilson is dreamy, and Jeanne Smart is so fucking good she just steals every scene she's in. I can't even with this show.

OH! Great news, everyone! It turns out there was some kind of settlement from Barnes & Noble about Apple ebooks and if you purchased anything like that from them, you got some money back. Turns out I have $25 in my B&N account so I ordered my very own updated copy of "Moving to Maine!" It didn't violate my spending freeze! I know you were all worried about how I would possibly manage with a ten year old copy of it, but rest easy, I'll be okay. It will all be okay.

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