Thursday, September 22, 2016

In Which It Begins!

I actually did start clearing out my closet, y'all. I did. I threw away at least 20 pairs of shoes that were old or falling apart or cost $11 and were therefore made of cardboard. Between Ralph and myself we filled three huge black garbage bags with clothes to donate. Honestly, it felt so good that I'm going to go through my closet again, because it doesn't look as empty as I want it to. I have so many fucking hangers. Next up will be my drawers, I have a full sized chest of drawers that I only regularly use two drawers of, the sock drawer and the underwear drawer.

We started on Monday evening, and were so into it that I legit forgot about my psychologist appointment. I have it every Monday and was stunned that I forgot it. I remembered in the middle of the night and decided to take it as a good omen of my mental health that I was able to forget that I need to be treated for it. We went like gangbusters until it was bed time, and gave ourselves Tuesday off because of basketball at the YMCA. Yesterday we didn't have any activities but I had to actually cook a meal for dinner and make a trip to the Library, then do some school work, so nothing else got done. Today is activity-heavy, too: I'm doing a yoga class, Grayson has karate, and Trevor has basketball, then the Texans kick off at 7:30, so we all have something going on. I fell asleep trying to watch Fargo last night, so I may work on drawers and catch up on that while Raf watches the Texans. Fargo is an amazing-ass show, if you haven't seen it. The cast is spectacular and I have a total girl crush on Allison Tolman. Rawr.

Ralph is working on trying to build up some business in Maine, but is super optimistic about his business here. Things seem to be on the uptick, which is awesome. We also decided that if he starts really churning and burning, making more than we need, that we might just buy a summer house in Maine and still keep Texas as our home base. That is what we'll end up doing eventually, anyway, but having one home at a time is all we can plan for at the moment. We've been doing a lot of research about schools and areas, trying to decide if we want a neighborhood house in a small town or something with some land a little further out. I'm leaning towards land further out. I don't want to live somewhere that looks just like any other neighborhood, I want trees and mountains and water.

One of the things we're trying as a part of all of this (The Plan, capital letters) is a shopping freeze. I read about it on some frugal living blogs I scanned once. Basically, you commit to buying only absolute necessities. We've had to kind of do that lately anyway, just because our income has been lower than usual and somewhat inconsistent, but we've now made an actual decision and spoken it aloud. We aren't buying clothes, gifts, trinkets, toys, anything. Groceries and bills, that's it. It has been really hard to not buy t-shirts with polyhedral dice or coffee mugs that say "It's decorative gourd season, motherfuckers." I did have a little bit left on my Starbucks account, so I treated myself to a decaf pumpkin spice latte to kick of the first official day of autumn. Why can't those assholes make a sugar free version of it? Jerks.

If anyone else wants to jump on board the Move to Maine Train, there's an actual book you can buy about it. It is called, cleverly, "Moving to Maine" and is chock-full of great information and anecdotes. I may reference it periodically, because it's just so fucking good. As a side note, I have owned this book since 2006. There is a new edition that was published last year and I may have request it as a gift, since I can't fucking buy it for myself, dammit.

In summary, I feel good about Week the First so far.

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