Friday, October 14, 2016

In Which There is Much Crap

Real life keeps getting in the way of my dreams, you guys. And I've come to a stunning realization. I've just got too much danged stuff. TOO MUCH STUFF!! How have I spent the past few weeks clearing out crap and it seems like my house is still covered in crap?? I joked about needing an adult previously, but I might really just need someone to help me organize this endeavor. I'll be honest, mostly it feels like there's crap everywhere because I never actually pick up the crap. If I gave half a rat's ass about cleaning my house it might be tolerable. It's just that in the brief moments when I'm not actively doing something there are so many Frozen bricks to break on my phone, y'all. I've got three seasons of Supernatural to catch up on. Ken Bone did possibly the best Reddit AMA ever yesterday. So many things to distract me! It's getting really bad at the house, though. Trevor told me this morning that his bathroom smells like feet. Barf. He then told me I might need to call our old housekeeper.

On the real life news front, you're reading the work of a newly designated Psychology major. Who'd a thunk it? I'd like to say that seeing a psychologist and benefiting from it immensely and wanting to also help others is what made me do it, but that would be an enormous lie. Basically because I've taken so many psych classes as electives and because English classes count as electives for a psych degree, I can graduate earlier and not have to take any more foreign language. Sounds like a "fuck yeah!" to me. I'm still planning on being a Librarian someday, and maybe teaching elementary school at some point. So that life plan is still on track.

On the subject of The Plan, we're still working on the clearing out the house portion. It feels like a Sisyphean task, like we will forever be clearing out and it will never be cleared out completely. Pushing a rock, pushing a rock. At this point I'm half convinced that trying to have a garage sale is a horrible idea. Just dropping the whole mess off at Goodwill sounds much easier. I've also had a stunning realization about The Plan. While trying to figure out exactly what I hope to gain by moving over 2,000 miles away, I've decided that aside from the change in weather what I really want is simplicity. I think it's actually what I was hoping for when we moved from Deer Park to League City. We talked about wanting a smaller house and the lower bills that would come with it, but ended up in much the same situation we were in before. It's an awesome house, but it's just too big. We don't use it efficiently and it's just full of crap. Maybe the solution to being a messy-mess is to just have way less stuff with which to mess up my house. I will say, the getting rid of stuff so far has been far less traumatic than I feared it might be.

Now I'm off to peruse simple living blogs, to explore minimalism. Shit. Next I'll be wanting a tiny house. Me and fucking Thoreau, running of to live simply in Maine. Yeesh. I crack myself up.

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